A Learning Community that Empowers Students to Achieve their Academic and Life Potential

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Elementary Student and Parent Handbook 2023-2024












Dear Students and Families:


Welcome to the 2023/2024 school year. The Elementary School at RAS is a holistic learning community that provides a rigorous, child-centered learning program. We enable our students to be courageous, confident and successful through active participation in a creative, academically challenging and dynamic learning environment. We promote the language acquisition of every child in order to be confident learners and communicators.


We believe that education is a partnership between the student, their family, and the school. We will do our best to keep you informed about what is happening at school, as well as your child’s academic growth, and we encourage you to be involved in your child’s education. 


Your communication and feedback is very important to us.  Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teachers or any member of our team if you have questions or concerns. 


The information contained in this Handbook serves as a guide regarding the school’s operations and expectations for attending RAS. Information regarding attendance, behavior, dress, health, safety, and all other expectations in the Handbook are our Policies. These are the guiding principles for our learning community. Please go through this handbook with your child and submit the signed form at the back to school.


Thank you for choosing Raffles American School.

Think. CreateSucceed.



Mr. James Elliott

Elementary Principal

RAS Mission Statement & Governance


Raffles American School is a learning community that empowers students to achieve their academic and life potential. RAS serves students Pre-K through 12th grade. Our rigorous and rich academic and co-curricular programs encourage student growth through a learning outcome approach, acknowledging multiple types of intelligence and paths to learning. We facilitate student success through collaboration with parents, a balanced focus on intellectual, emotional, physical, and social progress, and a profound belief that all students can learn.



Raffles American School is a subsidiary of Raffles Education Corporation. The Superintendent of Raffles American School is responsible for day-to-day operations, personnel decisions, financial management within the budget, and most importantly, ensuring the overall quality of educational offerings for Raffles American School.  The RAS Superintendent reports to the CEO of Raffles Education Corporation.

We expect that all students, in all classes, at all grade levels, will actively demonstrate the  RAS General Learning Outcomes.

Problem-solving and thinking skills
  • Think analytically, strategically, critically, creatively, independently, and collaboratively. Question themselves, others, and ideas objectively and reflectively.
  • Problem-solve through acquisition, integration, and successful application of content/learning.
  • Apply knowledge to real-life situations.
  • Take responsible risks and approach problems with creativity and perseverance.
Organization and Research Skills
  • Efficiently allocate their time and energy towards prioritized tasks.
  • Use appropriate technologies, resources, and strategies to gain access to relevant information.
  • Logically organize information using appropriate strategies and tools.
  • Create finished products showing a high degree of content understanding, neatness, quality, and precision.
Communication Skills
  • Communicate effectively as listeners, speakers, readers, and writers through auditory, visual, physical, or digital means to a range of audiences for a range of purposes.
  • Display appropriate presentation skills.
  • Demonstrate collaborative communication skills.
Character and Interpersonal Skills
  • Demonstrate compassion, honesty, and integrity in dealing with others.
  • Show tolerance, understanding, empathy, and respect for other people and cultures within the school and the broader community.
  • Make appropriate choices to maintain physical and emotional health.
  • Show responsibility, adaptability, perseverance, and initiative.
  • Work effectively in group situations.

Elementary School Principal: Ms. Suzanne Thibault

Elementary School Assistant: Miss Rachel


Early Childhood

PK 3 and 4Mark GuillemetteMs. Judith
KinderKim ReimannMs. Ru


Grade 1Maureen RaMs. Lariza
Grade 2Joseph DavisMs. Siti
Grade 3AAime FerreiraMs. Rhenu
Grade 3BSamantha CharlopMs. Adda
Grade 4Meghan KellyMs. Aida
Grade 5Rochelle LoweMs. Fatin
EIPValerie vanElswykMs. Zarina

Specialist Teachers

PETiago Silva 
MusicYeo Sook Siah 
ArtMegan Wood 
WS LibraryHema GanesanMs. Nadia
Mandarin AJavvy Toh 
Mandarin BHuey Jiun Yew (Yew) 
BahasaNor Nabila (Bella) 
ELL &  Support LearningDarla Her 
Learning SupportSuzanne Thibault & Darla Her 

To foster a professional, positive atmosphere on our school campus, it is important for all members of the school community to observe the proper channels of communication. Concerns should first be discussed directly and respectfully with the individual(s) involved. In any discussion, all participants are expected to maintain a calm demeanor and tone. An appointment can be made by contacting the teacher or Elementary Principal directly by email or via the Elementary School Assistant.

Question RegardingPerson to ContactEmail
General information, messages for staff or studentsElementary Secretary, Ms. Rachelessecretary@rafflesamericanschool.org
Issue affecting your childClass teacher/s 
School transportMr. William Wongtransport@rafflesamericanschool.org
Medical concern nurse@rafflesamericanchool.org
Extra-curricular activities (CCAs)Athletic Director – Mr. Andy Manionatheleticsdirector@rafflesamericanschool.org
General issue or issue not resolved with a teacherElementary Principal – Ms. Suzanne Thibaultelementaryprincipal@rafflesamericanschool.org


In the Elementary School, we use Class Dojo as the primary tool to share information and communicate with families. Teachers will post photos and updates of what is happening in class and information and reminders about school events. You can select what language you prefer to receive the messages.

Class Size and Curriculum

Class Size

To maintain the quality of our educational program, class sizes are limited to the following.

Grade LevelMaximum number of students
Early Childhood (PreK and Kinder)18 students
Elementary (Grades 1-5)22 students

Elementary Curriculum

The fundamental belief of American education is the concept of educating the whole child for the successful realization of dreams and goals. Our curriculum is based on what we truly believe all students should know and be able to do, now and in the future. We support and challenge students to embed learning outcomes, such as communication skills, organizational and research skills, and problem-solving/thinking skills into our curriculum for all ages. We provide students with engaging learning opportunities to grow in compassion, responsibility, integrity, and respect. Our faculty use formative and summative assessment strategies to enable students to demonstrate these attributes in meaningful ways so that all students have opportunities to think, create and succeed.


Curriculum Overview

Language Arts: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking, is instructed through a balanced literacy approach. Reading, writing, listening, speaking, phonics, spelling, and word study are studied in an integrated style through the use of a variety of quality literature.  Students work with leveled texts and learn to decode, develop comprehension strategies, and improve their independent reading level at an increasing degree of complexity. Students also focus on nonfiction texts as they acquire the skills to interpret information, research, and question material presented. Writing is focused on engaging students in meaningful context for the purpose of communicating their ideas. Students are guided through modeling, reflecting on model examples, sharing their own work, and peer editing the work of others. A consistent framework is used for writing to demonstrate what strong writing looks like through focus on ideas, organization, voice, word choice, sentence fluency, conventions and presentation.  Students are encouraged to publish their written work in various formats for the genre produced.

Mathematics: Students study Mathematics through a focus on the Common Core Eight Mathematical Practices. The practices of ‘make sense of problems and persevere in solving them,’ as well as ‘attend to precision,’ are consistently emphasized as applicable to all areas of mathematical study. Students engage in critical thinking as they ‘reason abstractly and quantitatively’ and ‘construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.’ Problem-solving involves the ‘use of appropriate tools strategically’ and ‘model with mathematics.’ Strategic thinking also requires that students ‘look for and make use of structure,’ while ‘expressing regularity in repeated reasoning.’ These Eight Mathematical Practices, along with the development of the four general learning outcomes, form the backbone for the mathematics curriculum. Students learn through direct instruction, fluency practice, games, math investigations, and collaboration.  Study in mathematics requires student-generated problems, working with manipulatives, group investigations, and classroom discussion. The Common Core Curriculum emphasizes a firm foundation and fluency in addition and subtraction before formalizing the algorithms for multiplication and division.  Rational number study follows multiplication and division fluency as students are prepared for higher-level math classes. Measurement, Data, Geometry, Algebraic Thinking, Statistics, and Probability are integrated into each grade level with various emphasis.

Science: The study of science at RAS is focused on the use of the scientific method. From the early grades, students are encouraged to wonder and question the world around them. Students learn Biology, Chemistry, and Physics each year as they investigate the many happenings within the world in which we live. Directed reading of factual, informational text provides the basis for vocabulary and concept acquisition. Teachers engage students in experiments while emphasizing research, observation skills, safety, recording tools, and communication of conclusions. Students are encouraged to interact with their environment, pose additional inquiries, research, and share their thoughts collaboratively.

Social Studies: The Social Studies program begins with the microcosm of self and family, and it gradually expands to today’s global issues. As a student progresses from self and family to community, state, country, region, and the world, they acquire the skills necessary for mapping, interviewing, filmmaking, and documentation. Students deepen their understanding of government, conflict, change, technology, and culture in the Asian region, ultimately leading to the study of the global order and issues of today.

World Languages: The World Languages currently offered at RAS include Bahasa Malay and Mandarin. Mandarin is offered in two classes; one for native speakers and one focusing on Language Acquisition. Communities, Connections, Cultures, Comparisons, and Communication are the focus of the language units.. Students will continue to advance their knowledge in reading, writing, listening, and speaking in their target language.

The Arts: Students participate in both Visual Arts and Music classes as part of our Elementary program. Learning experiences in Visual Arts and Music gives students opportunities to learn about the creative process whilst developing skills and techniques. Through The Arts, students are able to inquire into other cultures and history and are encouraged to make connections between their personal experiences and the world around them. Visual Art and Music are valued as opportunities for students to develop their creativity and self-expression. Dance is incorporated into our Physical Education Program. Students in Pre-School also participate in Music and Movement classes each week.

Physical Education: Health, Fitness, and Wellness are the focus of the Physical Education program.  Physical activity is critical to the development and maintenance of good health. The goal of this program is to develop educated individuals who have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful activities. Students demonstrate competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. Students develop an understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities. RAS emphasizes participation in physical activities, development of social and personal respect for others in physically active situations, and a lifelong enjoyment of activity-based challenges and expression.

Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians:


A warm welcome to a new school year; we are grateful that you chose Raffles American School and trust us to care for your children.  RAS is well-equipped to challenge students to grow academically, socially-emotionally and physically.  Our facilities offer a comfortable classroom environment, high-quality courts, fields, gymnasiums, and pools for sports and extracurricular activities, and many dedicated rooms for technology, band, dance, drama, and visual arts.


Our teachers are highly qualified in their subject areas and offer knowledge from their home countries and internationally.  RAS provides a rigorous curriculum that is supported by general learning outcomes (GLOs) of problem-solving/thinking skills, character/interpersonal skills, organizational/research skills, and communication skills.  Throughout the school year, students have opportunities to try new activities and learn in settings inside and outside the classroom walls.  We encourage students to participate in a wide variety of extracurricular activities offered by our enthusiastic and talented teachers.


We encourage parents and guardians to be involved in your child’s education.  RAS uses a number of communication pathways that include PowerSchool, Parent Portal, Social Media, and Email.  We welcome parents and guardians to connect with individual teachers early in the school year; our dedicated and caring staff are ready to answer any questions or concerns about your child.


The Student and Parent Handbook serves as a guide regarding the school’s operations and expectations for students.  Information about attendance, academic integrity, behavior, dress code, health, and safety are a few examples in this handbook.  Kindly review this handbook with your child, and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send an email to: 

secondaryprincipal@rafflesamericanschool.org or call the school at +60 (7) 509 8750.

On behalf of the team at RAS, we wish you a successful, safe, and fun school year!

Sincere regards,

Mr. Sok Wee Kho

High School Principal


Mr. David Hornby

Middle School Principal


Raffles American School is a learning community that empowers students to achieve their academic and life potential. Our rigorous and rich academic and co-curricular programs encourage student growth through a learning outcomes approach, acknowledging multiple types of intelligence and paths to learning. We facilitate student success through a balanced focus on intellectual, emotional, physical, and social progress and a profound belief that all students can learn.


Raffles American School is a subsidiary of Raffles Education Corporation. The Superintendent of Raffles American School is responsible for day-to-day operations, personnel decisions, financial management within the budget, and most importantly, ensuring the overall quality of educational offerings for Raffles American School.  The RAS Superintendent reports directly to the Board Representative from Raffles Education Corporation.

It is our expectation that all students, in all classes, at all grade levels will actively demonstrate the  RAS Learning Outcomes of:

Critical Thinking Skills:

Think analytically, strategically, critically, creatively, independently, and collaboratively. 

Question themselves, others, and ideas, objectively and reflectively.

Problem-solve through acquisition, integration, and successful application of content/learning.

Apply knowledge to real-life situations.

Take responsible risks and approach problems with creativity and perseverance.


Organization Skills:

Efficiently allocate their time and energy towards prioritized tasks.

Use appropriate technologies, resources, and strategies to gain access to relevant information.

Logically organize information using appropriate strategies and tools.

Create finished products showing a high degree of content understanding, neatness, quality, and precision.


Communication Skills:

Communicate effectively as listeners, speakers, readers, and writers through auditory, visual, physical, or digital means to a range of audiences for a range for purposes.

Display appropriate presentation skills.

Demonstrate collaborative communication skills.



Demonstrate compassion, honesty, and integrity in dealing with others.

Show tolerance, understanding, empathy, and respect for other people and cultures within the school and the larger community.

Make appropriate choices to maintain physical and emotional health.

Show responsibility, adaptability, perseverance, and initiative.

Work effectively in group situations.

Senior Parent Handbook and Registration Letter

Policies and Procedures

CCA Handbook

All information described in the handbook is subject to change, based on Malaysia’s Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). We will continue to communicate with students and parents any updates as soon as they become available to us. The changes to the handbook will be described in this “SOP Guidelines” chapter. No changes will be made to the other chapters.

SOP Guidelines (last updated September 22)

All MOE/MOH current guidelines are adhered to at Raffles American School. The most up-to-date information is used to guide our provision.

Welcome to the RAS Co-Curricular Activities Handbook. This handbook aims to provide an overview of our Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) program, which includes policies, procedures, and explains how to view all CCAs on offer this school year. We hope that it will inform students and parents of how the program is organized and help them make informed decisions when choosing their CCAs.

The CCA program’s objective is to empower student learning and discovery of personal strengths and interests through activities and clubs that may not be offered in their academic classes. Our co-curricular program’s strength and success are in its vast diversity of activities and divided into the broad categories of Sports, Performing Arts, and Clubs. 

The CCA program here at RAS enables our students to have opportunities outside their day-to-day classes to develop their GLO skills;

  • Communication skills; developing an understanding of how to express our emotions and ideas with students and teachers from different class and grade cohorts as well in a range of settings. 
  • Character skills; learning how to collaborate and work with students and teachers in more informal learning settings. Developing empathy, tolerance, and understanding in our community and understanding the importance of personal contributions to the community and environment. Representing our school in the community. 
  • Critical thinking skills; applying critical thinking skills in a range of contexts challenging students to make connections to their learning and extend their ideas and thinking beyond the classroom. Working independently and collaboratively to solve problems in learning activities and the greater community. 
  • Organization skills; learning how to use technology and resources to learn more about the world around us and developing an understanding of how to use this responsibly.

The diversity of our program assists students in becoming well-rounded, life-long learners as part of the holistic education offered here at RAS. Not only is this important in the development of our students, but colleges and universities take great interest in active citizens who engage in the pursuit of bettering their community and self-actualization.

Our CCA program also fulfills several roles within our community. Through Raptors Sports, students have the opportunity to compete and socialize with their peers from other schools. Through Sports, students gain recreational health benefits and develop healthy habits for the rest of their lives. Through the Arts, students can perform on stage or learn to be creative through various mediums. Technology clubs offer our students opportunities to develop their digital literacy whilst focusing on the skills required for 21st-century learning. And finally, Community clubs provide opportunities to volunteer, interact, and improve the school and/or local community’s social and environmental well-being.

Our program’s success depends on students, parents, teachers, and external vendors’ interest and support. As a community, we can provide the opportunities and support that will help our students and children attain self-actualization.

Garth Taylor

Activities and Athletic Director

  1. Overview –
    The CCA program is divided into Elementary (K – 5) and Secondary (6-12). The school year is divided into four CCA Seasons, with dates mentioned underneath, allowing students to sign up for different activities four times a year. 
  2. CCA Timings for Elementary and Secondary-
    3:15 pm – 4:15 pm (Mon-Thurs) 1:15 – 2:15 pm (Friday)
  1. CCA Seasons –
    CCA Season 1 (Term 1)
  • 22/8/22 to 7/10/22 (7 weeks)
  • Registration Monday, 15th August 2022
  • (No classes on Wednesday, 31/08/22 or Friday, 16/09/22) 

CCA Season 2 (Term 2)

  • 31/10/22 to 9/12/22 (6 weeks)
  • Registration Friday, 14th October 2022
  • (No classes on Thursday, 10/11/22 & Friday, 11/11/22, Friday, 25/11/22)

CCA Season 3 (Term 3)

  • 16/01/2023 to 10/3/2023 (8 weeks)
  • Registration Friday, 16th December 2022
  • (No classes on Monday, 23rd January 2023, Friday, 3rd February 2023 or Monday, 27th February 2022)

CCA Season 4 (Term 4)

  • 3/4/2023 to 26/5/2023 (8 weeks)
  • Registration Friday, 17th March 2023
  • (No classes on Friday, 7th April 2023, Monday, 24th April 2023 or Monday, 1st May 2023)
  1. Elementary and Secondary Activities –
    Activity offerings are divided into 5 categories: Raptors, Sports, Arts, Technology and Community. Sports CCAs include all of our RAS Raptors Sports Teams, Clubs Sports, and Sports CCAs offered by External Providers. The Performing Arts CCAs aim to showcase student learning at RAS Shows, and the Club CCAs are all other CCAs. Some examples of Club CCAs are Community Service CCAs, Language Clubs, Art CCAs, and Technology CCAs.

    In Secondary, our High School and Middle School Sports Teams (Raptors) meet twice a week. Elementary Raptors practice once a week.

    Elementary and Secondary Performing Arts CCAs include dance, drama, singing, and band, each once a week. This may change to twice a week when close to performances to ensure the students are fully prepared. This is at the teachers’ discretion.
  1. PreK4 CCAs
    We also have some active CCAs on offer for our PreK4 students provided by external vendors and/or teachers. 

Internal vs. External Vendors
To provide a wide variety of activities beyond the scope of what the RAS faculty can offer, RAS hires external vendors. Students signing up for an external vendor’s activities will be required to pay for the provider’s services.

Activity offerings are divided into 3 categories: Sports, Performing Arts, and Clubs. Sports CCAs include all of our RAS Raptors Sports Teams, Clubs Sports, and Sports CCAs offered by External Providers. The Performing Arts CCAs aim to showcase student learning at RAS Shows, and the Club CCAs are all other CCAs. Some examples of Club CCAs are Community Service CCA, Language Clubs, Art CCAs, or Technology CCAs.

In Secondary, our High School and Middle School Sports Teams (Raptors) meet twice a week. Elementary Raptors practice once a week.

Secondary Performing Arts CCAs include dance, drama, singing, and band, and will be held twice a week. Elementary Performing Arts CCAs are once a week.


Payment to external vendors will include a one-time payment for the semester and will be due no later than the second week after the activity begins. CCAs can be paid in cash or via bank transfer. Cash payment can be made in the uniform shop at the start or end of the school day, or at the finance office. CCA payment can also be made via bank transfer. Please see the RAS bank information in section X. 

To clarify, if the activity begins on Monday the 2nd, the payment is due by Monday the 9th. Students who do not provide payment on time will not be allowed to participate until payment is provided.

Students are allowed to change activities after session 1. If they choose to continue with the activity, payment must be made before the 2nd session of the activity. Any further changes are at the discretion of the School Principal or the Athletics & Activities Director.

Students who join RAS as rolling admissions will be given a prorated fee for activities run by external vendors, depending on the date they start the CCA. If students start during session 4 of 8, the student will be required to pay for the 5 remaining sessions.

Dropping Out/ Switching of Activities
Students are given one session to determine if they enjoy the activity. This session is to be paid for if it is a PAID CCA. Once the student joins the second session, the student will not be able to change activities anymore during the CCA Season. For paid CCAs, full payment for the activity should be made.  Once a student has paid for a CCA, no refunds will be given unless there are exceptional circumstances.
If a student did not initially sign up for an activity but wants to join later, they might be given the opportunity upon permission from the Activity Director.

Pick Up/ CCA Bus
Monday to Thursday, the CCA bus will leave promptly at 4:30 pm. On Friday, the CCA Bus will leave at 2:30 pm. The CCA supervisor will lead students who are taking the bus to the bus boarding area. All students who are picked up by a parent or driver must be picked up at the regular pick-up areas at 4:15 pm promptly. If the student’s parent/guardian/driver is late due to an emergency, please notify the main desk.

Cancellations & Make-Up Days
If an external provider misses a session, a makeup day will be provided, or payment will be prorated. If a student misses a session, the session will be forfeited, and no refund will be provided unless there are exceptional circumstances. If the weather is the reason for a delay or cancellation, activity supervisors are instructed to provide training or alternative activities indoors. If circumstances do not allow for the alternative, and the session needs to be canceled, a makeup day will be provided at the end of the CCA Season. If a student is unable to attend a makeup session, they will not be able to seek another makeup session and will not be given a refund for that session.

For paid swimming sessions, if the weather prevents the students from performing in the pool, then a Teaching Assistant will take the students to the ‘Tricycle Room’ for the remaining time.

If the students had less than 20 mins in the water, a make-up session will be organized as mentioned above.

Enrollment Minimums/ Maximums
Each CCA will have a minimum and a maximum number of students to ensure an effective, safe, and productive program. 
There will be a 3-person minimum for each CCA (some exceptions apply). For those CCAs that do not meet a 3-person minimum, the activity will be dropped from the CCA program. Students who have signed up for that CCA will be provided the opportunity to sign up for an alternative activity.
The maximum number of students allowed in the CCA is dependent on the age group, resources, and the number of supervisors per activity.

Once a student has chosen to stick with their selected CCA after the 1-week grace period, it is expected that the student remains committed to and disciplined in their attendance. Furthermore, students will be held to the same rules and policies of behavior during school hours. If a student repeatedly shows disrespect for their supervisor(s) and peers or commits a serious infraction of RAS rules, they will be asked to leave all CCAs and not join until the next term. Students that are dismissed from a paid activity due to misconduct will not be refunded. Students who miss more than 3 sessions of a teacher-led CCA will no longer be allowed to attend this CCA without prior notice given to the CCA supervisor. Disciplinary action will be undertaken through the division principals.

If a student or parent has an issue with a CCA concerning an instructor or how the class is conducted, we require that the student or parent have a conversation with the CCA instructor first. If the problem is not resolved, the issue should then be taken to the Activities Director.

Prior to the start of a CCA Season, parents will receive an overview of the Season ahead. These overviews show all CCAs on offer throughout the year and per season. You can find specific information regarding each CCA (teacher, fee, description) by hovering over the CCA Title (best viewed on a computer). The CCAs written in Red are paid CCAs offered by external providers.

Season 1 
Wednesday, 17/08/’22Registration CCA Season 1
Monday, 29/08/’22Start CCA Season 1
Friday, 07/10/’22End CCA Season 1
Season 2 
Friday, 14/10/’22Registration CCA Season 2
Monday, 31/10/’22Start CCA Season 2
Friday, 9/12/’22End CCA Season 2
Season 3 
Friday, 16/12/’22Registration CCA Season 3
Monday, 16/01/’23Start CCA Season 3
Friday, 10/03/’23End CCA Season 3
Season 4 
Wednesday, 17/3/’23Registration CCA Season 4
Monday, 3/04/’23Start CCA Season 4
Friday, 26/05/’23End CCA Season 4

Dear Parents,

Greetings from Raffles American School.

For Bank Transfers, please indicate Child’s name, class, and description as the payment reference. 

E.g. Student Name, Grade 6, Basketball CCA

Appreciated if proof of payment made is sent via email once completed.


Bank Transfer – Please specify the student’s name in the payment reference details. Please provide proof of payment via email to finance@rafflesamericanschool.org once your

payment is done.


Flywire Transfer – Flywire transfers are available for foreign banks. Please visit the

following link to begin the payment process, http://rasmalaysia.flywire.com/