A learning community that empowers students to achieve their academic and life potential


Our teachers are driven by the love for students and the passion for learning. Experts in their fields, they are a unique part of what makes Raffles American School special striving to be lifelong mentors who shape our students’ academic, extracurricular, and social development. Additionally, each teacher has years of teaching experience in international schools, which sets them apart at Raffles American School.

Marc Guillemette

Rachel Afelumo

Shirin Boymatova

Abraham Wessels

Bella Mohd Nor

Benjamin Zimmer

Christina Adamou

Donna Marie Yarid

Evelyn Ng

Faysal Abdullahi

Hana (Hyuna) Gu

Huey Jiun Yew

Jasmine Cho

Javiera Escobar

Javy Toh

Jennifer Phan

Jodi Armstrong

Julian Taylor

Ken Morrison

Lara Wessels

Megan Mgbemena

Monique Rossi

Oo Jiu Bell

Robert Rogers

Souzana Sergoudi

Swarna Lata

Yenidil Toribio

Yi Wen Phuan

Zuhairah Mohamed Zaman

Adrian Rodriguez

Alfie Gonzales

Christine Mukui

Dexter Aguda

Etienne Aswegen

Julian Taylor

Kaminni Suppiah

Kuang Yong Kee

Kyle Johnson

Laren Ewertz

Lead Ching Lim

Samuel Chen

Scott Ewertz

Sumit Raghav

Tiago Silva

Travis Clemens

Umair Malik

Weitzu huang

Wen See Tan

Zuhairah Mohamed Zaman

Alichia Gerber

Andrea Kok

Ashley Licht

Atif Shah

Begim Abdykaparova

Brittany Bond

Dashell Meridith Wilson

David Babe

Emil Arbudu

Fatimah White

Ho Cyrus Yun

Hyun Au Kim

Jason Trafford

Jonah Saifer

Joseph Kim

Kristin Bourgeois

Lead Ching Lim

Lisa Welsh

May Lain Lee

Meagan Van Der Merwe

Megan Nenke

Milky Santos

Sashi Kala Vijayan

Shida Suadi

Yi Wen Phuan

“Teaching is more than just imparting knowledge; it’s about inspiring curiosity, fostering creativity, and nurturing a love for learning. It involves understanding diverse perspectives, building connections, and helping students discover their potential. Great teaching also links classroom learning to the world beyond, preparing students to engage with and contribute to their communities.”

– Megan Nenke, Lead English Teacher –