A Learning Community that Empowers Students to Achieve their Academic and Life Potential

Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians

Selecting a school for your child is one of the most significant decisions parents must make. Raffles American School (RAS) offers an exceptional American education delivered by highly qualified international teachers.
Our curriculum at RAS is not just about academics. It’s a comprehensive plan designed to educate the whole child through inquiry-based learning. We adhere to the Common Core Standards for Math and Language Arts, the Next Generation Science Standards, and the American Education Reaches Out (AERO) standards for Social Studies. Our goal is to foster critical thinking, creativity, and a love of learning in every student.
We have embedded professional development days into the school calendar to ensure our teachers remain at the forefront of educational best practices. These days allow our educators to collaborate and engage in continuous professional growth, enhancing the quality of instruction our students receive.
Beyond the core curriculum, RAS offers a robust co-curricular program that includes a wide variety of activities, such as sports, dance, music, and art. These activities are designed to cater to our students’ diverse interests, providing opportunities for them to explore their passions and develop new skills.
What truly sets RAS apart are our four General Learning Outcomes (GLOs): problem-solving/thinking skills, communication skills, character/interpersonal skills, and organization/research skills. These GLOs are not just part of our educational and co-curricular programs but the cornerstone of your child’s academic journey. They are assessed throughout the year across all areas, bridging the academic world to real-world applications and preparing our students for success in the 21st century.
Our junior and senior boarding programs focus on our students’ academic and social/emotional development. Our experienced boarding staff provides a supportive and nurturing environment, helping students gain the skills necessary to succeed in all aspects of life.
Raffles American School is a dynamic institution with countless student growth and development opportunities. We look forward to the privilege of partnering with you in your child’s education, embracing the great responsibility of nurturing their potential and guiding them toward a bright future.

Dr. Alexander Pethan